St. Louis Area Foreclosed Homes and Foreclosure Sale
5/14/2009 1:00:00 PM
Properties include single-family dwellings located at 1103 W. 9th, Alton; 709 Park Drive, Alton; 611 Alby Street, Alton; 10765/10789 Oak St., Bunker Hill; 407 N. Hayden, Dorchester; 2308 E. 24th Street, Granite City; 120 N. Glen, Roodhouse and 238 E. North St., Roodhouse; a multi-family dwelling located at 310 E. Main, Mt. Olive; commercial retail condominiums located at 2753 E. Broadway #6, Alton and 2755 E. Broadway #7, Alton; and vacant parcels located at 2801 E. Broadway, Alton and 2809 E. Broadway, Alton.
Suggested Opening Bids From $1,000
Properties sold “AS-IS, WHERE-IS” with no representation or warranties. Terms include cashier’s check day of sale. Sales of some properties require all additional funds due the next business day.